RV Protection When Put in Storage

Recreation vehicles, or RVs, have to placed somewhere when not in use. And for most RV owners in Chester, NJ if that’s not an extra long driveway on the property then it’s usually a storage address that takes RVs. While this solves the problem of placement it creates a another problem: exposure to theft. RVs are, essentially, homes on wheels. So all the amenities, tools, appliances and similar that make an RV convenient also make it a target for petty thieves. No surprise then, RVs tend to be damaged occasionally with appliance loss and break-ins.

Insurance coverage for an RV varies, just like a regular vehicle. On the one hand the coverage could be the minimum, just to make the RV legal for public road use. On the other hand, it could be comprehensive, covering far more than basic liability. If a robust plan, it’s very likely that damage and loss due to theft is included in the coverage benefits. If a minimum plan, the policyholder may very well be out of luck due to a lack of coverage. So a lot depends on what kind of RV insurance was put in place to begin with.

If you have questions about your RV coverage and are wondering if there is enough involved to protect your vehicle when in storage, the experts at the Insurance Outfit can help. They have provided guidance and information for dozens of RV owners in New Jersey and can handle RV insurance questions easily. If you have to rely on storage in Chester, NJ it only makes sense to have protection so your RV is taken care of all the time, not just when you’re on a trip. Contact The Insurance Outfit for more information. 

Is ATV Insurance the Same as Recreational Vehicle Insurance?

Insurance is one of the most important things for anyone that wants to own or ride all terrain vehicles. When it comes to insuring these super fun machines, there are some considerations that need to be made. For starters, recreational vehicle insurance and ATV insurance, though they may seem similar, are actually not the same thing. For those in the Chester, NJ area, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can help you find the right ATV insurance for your needs.

ATV insurance is insurance that is specifically tailored for all terrain vehicles. Though recreational vehicle insurance does cover ATVs to a certain extent, it is not specifically geared toward ATVs and therefore may not be as comprehensive as you would need. For those that are riding only ATVs it may be beneficial to get specific insurance that only covers these machines rather than a broader insurance coverage that covers all recreational vehicles.

If you do in fact own more than one type of recreational vehicle, it may be beneficial to look at the broader policy in terms of coverage and being safe when out on the trails. ATV insurance is specifically designed to cover any events that may happen with your ATV rather than cover things like ATVs, 4 wheelers, and more.

For those that are looking for coverage, the main difference is going to be the specificity of the coverage that you are looking at. Though recreational vehicle insurance is going to cover ATVs, ATV insurance is not going to cover all recreational vehicles. This is a simple differentiation that the agents at The Insurance Outfit can help you decide if you live in the Chester, NJ area and are looking for the right coverage for you and for your ATV or recreational vehicle.

In Chester, NJ: Will Your Motorcycle Insurance Cover an Accident If Someone Else is Riding Your Bike?

In Chester, NJ the agents of the Insurance Outfit offer a wide selection of insurance policies to cover all sizes and types of vehicles, including scooters and motorcycles. Motorcycle insurance works in much the same way as car insurance and has varying degrees of coverage. Before choosing the policy that’s right for you, it’s important that you discuss your needs with your agent so they can find the right policy for you.

Know Your Policy

Once you have purchased a policy make sure you read it carefully and understand everything it says. If you don’t, ask questions. A commonly asked question is "Does my insurance policy cover other riders?" This will depend on your policy. A general liability insurance policy will cover only the minimum and will most likely not cover your bike being driven by other riders. A full coverage policy, on the other hand, will cover additional riders if they carry the proper endorsement.


A motorcycle endorsement on your driver’s license means you have passed the written and skills test that shows you’re capable of operating a motorcycle on the road. Most insurance policies won’t cover a rider who hasn’t received their endorsement. If you allow someone to borrow your bike, it’s important that they have a current motorcycle endorsement on their license. If not, any damages or injuries they cause won’t be covered by your policy.

The agents at the Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ encourage you to call their office and speak to one of their agents if you have any questions concerning motorcycle insurance. They can tell you what is covered and what limits are included in your policy. It’s important you evaluate and update your policy often to make sure it’s current.

Fun in the Sun, Sand, and Snow: How to Protect Your ATV So It Lasts

Most people don’t buy an ATV just to let it sit in their garage. However, the more you use it, the more likely it is that something will happen to it. One of the most common nightmares for owners comes in the form of theft, but it’s certainly not the only danger that lurks out there. If you’re hoping to keep your ATV for as long as you can, see how you can take the precautions in Chester, NJ to keep it safe.

Prepare for Thieves 

It’s fairly easy for people to steal ATVs simple because they’re so portable. If you remove the valve stem, the tires will go flat so criminals can’t just roll the vehicle away. It will be annoying to have to refill the tires when they lose their air, but it’s far less work than having to replace it. You may also want to unplug the fuel pump, or slip a small padlock through the brake rotors (if you have them.) Or just buy a quality chain that you can use to anchor your ATV to a tree or a stable structure. 

Call The Insurance Outfit 

If you own an ATV in Chester, NJ, it’s worth making another investment to keep it out of harm’s way. All the anti-theft measures in the world can’t always save you from criminals, and they do nothing if the ATV is attacked by vandals or by a horrible storm that comes out of nowhere. Our staff is happy to provide quotes and information about how our policies can save your ATV from disaster. Give The Insurance Outfit a call if you want to get insurance that will cover your ATV is a number of situations. 

What Does Boat Insurance Really Cover?

Boats are a great recreational vehicle but without the right coverage, they can be very costly. For those that do have a boat, having a great boat insurance policy in place is the best way to make sure you are covered no matter what. For those that live in or around the Chester, NJ area, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can help you find the policy that fits your needs.

So what does boat insurance really cover? For starters, it covers damage to your boat as the result of an accident, be it a collision with another boat, the damage that occurs while hauling, or even damage from hitting inanimate objects like buoys. Boat insurance also covers personal injury that occurs on your boat as well as injury to your passengers.

Much like your home insurance policy is going to protect your home from damage and disaster, your boat policy is going to do the same thing. Say for instance your boat catches on fire, either in the water or in your garage, your insurance will cover the cost of repair or replacement if the boat is totaled dependent on the policy that you have.

Overall, boat insurance is a great thing to have not only to be safe but also to help protect your investment when you are out enjoying the warm rays of the summer sun. Generally, boat insurance is only required for those watercraft that do have a larger engine, your fishing boat does not require insurance for instance. For those that live in the Chester, NJ area and own a boat, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can help you find the perfect policy to protect both you and your boat this summer and all year round no matter what.

Long Term Care Insurance and Health Insurance: What’s Different?

Long term care insurance can be easily confused with health insurance for many people. But did you know that the two are considered as very different insurance policies? Here at the Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ, we’ll help you take a look at the main differences between the two types of plans. 

Different Coverage for Different Needs

Health insurance helps cover your day to day doctor appointments, prescriptions, and acute emergency medical costs. Long term care insurance, on the other hand, covers your expenses if you cannot work as a result of the injury. This special kind of insurance is designed to bridge the gap while you are recovering and unable to work. It can help you continue to receive your paychecks and make ends meet if the disability is temporary or permanent. In other words, think of long term care insurance as your disability insurance. Medicare provides long term care insurance, for example.

Skilled nursing at home and in nursing care facilities is expensive, as the annual prices can rise up to $88,000 a year. Long term care insurance can help alleviate the financial burden, however, so it’s certainly worth looking into. It can also help cover for things like hospice care if it’s needed down the road. 

The Right Coverage When You Need it the Most

As always, check the details in your policy’s terms first to find out what it gives you coverage for. It’s a good idea to consider additional insurance riders to fill in the gaps that your current policy doesn’t cover. For questions about riders and additional details in your policy, contact us at The Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is happy to assist you to get what you need!

Does Disability Insurance Cover Mental Health Problems?

Many Chester, NJ residents have asked us at The Insurance Outfit about disability insurance and whether or not it covers mental health problems. Thankfully, we’re here to say that it will help you. However, you need to qualify for it and apply properly.

Problems It Covers

There are many different types of mental health problems that disability insurance will cover. These include schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, autism, substance abuse disorders, and even mental development problems. Coverage for these types of problems are based on their severity and whether or not they make it impossible for a person to work. Even a person of normal or above-average intelligence can qualify if their mental health concern is severe enough to make it impossible for them to work.

Other Circumstances Can Qualify

One interesting aspect of mental health disabilities that few understand is how they can help those who cannot handle unskilled work. For example, someone who has developmental impairments or anxiety about performing menial labor may qualify for disability insurance. However, they do need to fill out a special form that details their mental health limitations and why they deserve coverage.

A person who has debilitating mental problems need to have a diagnosis from a trained professional and a guardian who can help them understand what is happening. It may require them to talk to a lawyer or someone who understands these types of problems. That said, if you or anyone you love has these conditions, they more than qualify for disability benefits and insurance.

Get Coverage Today

So if you or someone you love has a mental health problem in Chester, NJ and needs disability insurance, contact us at The Insurance Outfit today. We can provide you with the skilled help you need to get the coverage and benefits you deserve.

Who Can be on Your Health Insurance Plan?

Health insurance is something that everyone needs but that many people have a hard time determining who can and cannot be on your policy. For the most part, insurance policies clearly outline who can be insured on the policy but in some cases, further clarification is needed. For those in the Chester, NJ area the agents with The Insurance Outfit can help you learn just who can be covered on your policy.

First and foremost, those that are dependent on you like children, dependent adults that you have guardianship of, and your spouse can all be on your policy. This means that your family is going to be able to be protected by your policy. Children can stay on their parent’s policy until they are 26 years old, even if they are not living in the home.

The number and type of person that can be on your policy is dependent mainly on what type of policy you have. You can have an individual policy that covers only the main policy holder and you can have family policies that cover your family members. Dependent on what type of policy you have and who the policy is through, there is no real limit on the number of people that can be on the policy but rather the type of individual that can be on the policy.

Knowing who can be on your policy is the best way to ensure that your family does not go without health insurance. For those that live in the Chester, NJ area, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can let you know exactly who can and cannot be on your policy. That depends on what type of policy you have and who you want to insure.  

How to Determine How Much Life Insurance You Need

Life insurance is something that differs from policy to policy and from policy holder as well. You may need significantly less coverage than someone else and knowing how to determine how much coverage you need is a great start. For those that live in or around the Chester, NJ area, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can help you set your policy needs.

The best place to start is to consider who is going to be cashing out the policy when you pass. This is going to give you a good idea of how much you want to take out. You also need to remember that the more coverage, the higher the monthly premium. After you consider your beneficiary you also need to think about what the policy is going to pay.

If you want a policy that is going to cover the costs of raising your children to adulthood you are going to need significantly more than you would if you were only worrying about paying for burial expenses. Similarly, if you have a large amount of debt that your family is going to be responsible for when you pass you want to make sure the policy covers it.

The biggest issue that you want to keep in mind is what is going to be done with the policy when you pass. Most people tend to take out policies that are around $10,000 to $25,000 as these cover comfortably the final expenses of one person. If you do have children or dependent family that you are thinking about, you may want a larger policy to help take care of them.

If you have questions and you live in the Chester, NJ area, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can answer all your questions.  

Boating, Drinking and Insurance Coverage

The purpose of boating insurance is very similar to car insurance. It provide coverage and financial recovery when the vehicle is damaged, stolen, or involved in causing damage to people or someone else’s property. Policies consider all types of contingencies, even disasters and unforeseen circumstances. However, one thing that insurance policies don’t typically pay for is damage caused when someone breaks a law.

Drinking alcohol has long been a favorite pastime when boating. Being on the water seems to be equated immediately with recreation and having fun. However, a boat is a licensed vehicle, regardless of being on the water instead of a road. And enough laws and restrictions have been passed in most states, making it clear that getting into a boating accident when drunk opens a person up to both criminal and civil actions. When a boating accident does occur and local authorities determine that driving the boat under the influence was a contributing factor, and insurer is eventually going to get a copy of the police and accident report.

Most insurance policies for boating, just like those for operating a car, have language in them preventing coverage when someone is the cause of damage due to a misdemeanor or felony. And the courts are very clear and unsympathetic in most states: ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it. The problem is, no one thinks about these complications when already on a boating trip for the day or weekend. Then the drinking starts and a problem occurs. Boaters are doing themselves a big favor taking the time to understand liabilities and exceptions to coverage before getting on the water. If in the Chester, NJ area, stop in with the Insurance Outfit. Their agents can point out exactly what happens with boat coverage versus a law violation in clear English.