Does Health Insurance Cover Siblings?

Health insurance is something that we can all benefit from greatly. That being said, it is always best to learn just what your policy covers so that you can be sure what you are getting into and what you are going to be able to use your insurance for. For those in the Chester, NJ area, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can help you find the right policy for your needs.

When it comes to health insurance the guidelines for who can be covered by what policy are pretty strict. In order to be on a policy with an adult, you have to be a dependent or a spouse of that adult. This means that if you have a wife and three kids, you can put your wife and three kids on that policy. If you have an adopted child you can put them on your policy, if you have a parent that lives in your home and is legally your dependent, you can put them on your policy. With children, they can stay on the parent’s insurance until they are 26 years old.

Basically, you have to legally be the dependent of the policyholder in order for them to put you on their insurance policy. This is to make sure that people do not add everyone they know just to get a better discount on their insurance. It is important that you take the time to find out just who can be added to your policy before you attempt to add them so that you can make sure you have a legal claim to adding them to your policy. For those in the Chester, NJ area, the agents with The Insurance Outfit can help you to find the right policy for your needs.  

Life Insurance as an Investment in Chester, NJ

Life insurance policies are important for a number of reasons, and they should be seen as an investment in your future needs. The Insurance Outfit can help you lock in rates now and get coverage at the best time in order to take advantage of the benefits of investing early. 

Life insurance is generally associated with the death benefit for those who want to protect their families financially if they have an accident or sudden health problems. However, life insurance can also be an important investment, especially if someone buys and maintains a policy from a young age. 

While many factors affect a life insurance policy, those who start to pay at a younger age will receive much lower premiums because their risk of dying anytime soon is negligible. Younger people are also at a much lower risk for a number of significant health problems that do not start to develop until middle age and older. By locking in rates on a term policy at a younger age, you will also get much more favorable rate if you start to have children or get married at a later date, which will also increase the price because of dependents. 

It is beneficial to think of the reduced costs associated with getting life insurance early as an investment in your future. Once someone already has a family and children, they may have to put off life insurance due to many other priorities, which can create other problems. 

Talk to an agent about life insurance now

For those who need help with life insurance in the Chester, NJ area, The Insurance Outfit can help develop a policy that is right for you. 

What You Need to Know About ATV Insurance in New Jersey

There’s never been a better time to have an ATV in New Jersey. There are now two new state-run ATV parks down in Cape May and Mount Pleasant, and the state is actually already planning for two more parks in the near future. This is in addition to several other privately run parks in the state. Residents of Chester, NJ alone are close to a variety of recreation areas where you can safely ride. If you’re the owner of an ATV, chances are you want to do everything you can to maintain it in order to enjoy these areas for a long time. Part of being a responsible ATV owner not only includes basic maintenance and safe riding but also investing in a good ATV insurance policy. The experts at The Insurance Outfit are here to help. Here’s what you need to know about ATV insurance in the Garden State. 

Is ATV Insurance Required?… It’s Complicated

New Jersey does not technically require ATV insurance, but things get complicated when it comes to you deciding where you want to ride. If you’re going to be on a road at all, insurance is required. This is where it gets interesting because ATVs are also not technically allowed on public roads. This is because the current law is a bit dated, going back to when it was assumed that the vast majority of ATV owners (of which there were far fewer decades ago) limited themselves to only using their vehicle on private property. But now with state-run ATV parks in existence, those who take their vehicle to these trails are considered to be riding on public roads. ATVs must also now be registered with the DMV, and so, therefore, it can be said that all NJ ATV owners should have corresponding insurance. Proof of insurance and registration should be carried whenever the ATV is in use. 

Liability Coverage is Important

Just like with car insurance, ATV liability coverage can keep you from going bankrupt in the event of an accident. Even if you do only plan to use your ATV on private property, will that property always be your own? Will you be the only driver? Having good liability coverage in place can help keep you protected should you let someone else ride your ATV or if you ride it on a friend’s property and subsequently get in an accident. 

Contact us today to learn more about ATV insurance and how we at The Insurance Outfit can assist you. We serve the Chester, NJ area and beyond, and we are here to get you the coverage you and your ATV need. 

5 Benefits of Owning an RV

There are many benefits of owning a recreational vehicle (RV) outside of the obvious freedom to live and vacation where your drive to.  Today, may people enjoy the freedom of owning an RV for a home or a vacation home wherever they want to be located at a moment’s notice.  If you’re considering buying an RV in Chester, NJ, here are some benefits:

  • It will increase your ability to travel without paying for lodging.  It can reduce other travel costs as well, such as eating out because you can easily carry what you need.
  • Enjoy plenty of amenities.  Today’s RV’s are full of the things you enjoy in your own home, such as television, a full kitchen, plenty of places to relax and sleep.
  • No more trying to find pet sitters!  You can take your pets along for the trip without worrying about if there will be issues where you plan to stay or can you take everything they might need. 
  • It can bring your loved ones to be closer.  An RV trip can create a great bonding experience as everyone enjoys the trip together.  Quarters are closer than being at home and the travel time allows for time together to visit, play games, and more.
  • RV’s maintain value over the years.  They do depreciate like other vehicles, but at a lesser rate.  If you decide to sell, you’ll be able to at a good price most often.  You can store the RV on your property or away from home.   

The Insurance Outfit

The Insurance Outfit in the Chester, NJ area takes the time to carefully compare policies to help you choose from multiple carriers.  This gives you the advantage of finding the best policy at the lowest price.  Contact an Outfit agent today.

What Is Wedding Insurance, And Why Do I Need It?

When planning for your big day, you probably haven’t thought about wedding insurance – but, you should! You put a lot of time, effort and planning into your special day, and the small cost of wedding insurance could help prevent you from having to deal with unforeseen problems on your own. The Insurance Outfit is familiar with all the types of things that could wrong — we will have your back if something goes wrong and you’re covered. 

Why Do I Need Wedding Insurance? 

What would you do if someone was injured at your Chester, NJ home while celebrating your happy day, or your caterer failed to show? Wedding insurance is a policy that protects you from loss due to accidents or unforeseen events that cause injury or damage that prevents your wedding from happening as planned, like issues with extreme weather, a vendor, or the venue.  

What Types of Wedding Insurance Are There? 

There are two types of wedding insurance: 

  • Liability Coverage 
  • Cancellation Coverage  

You can always buy both liability and cancellation coverage in a bundle. Ask your vendor if they carry event liability before purchasing. 

What Wedding Insurance Covers 

Wedding event liability coverage can cover a variety of things, such as bodily injury and property damage, extreme weather, lost or stolen gifts, and wedding attire damage. You can also purchase a policy for host liquor liability insurance to cover yourself against and alcohol-related incidents that may occur.  

What’s Not Covered by Wedding Insurance? 

Wedding insurance won’t cover you in the event that you or your partner get cold feet or call off your wedding. It only covers things that are not in your control.  

 Don’t put your event at risk! Call The Insurance Outfit today to learn how to protect yourself, your Chester, NJ home, and your guests, to ensure your big day goes off without a hitch. 

3 reasons why you should keep your motorcycle insurance all year long

When those who reside in Chester, NJ and the surrounding areas visit with the experts at The Insurance Outfit, one of the primary questions that is asked will have to do with motorcycle insurance. There are many who allow themselves to believe that they do not need to keep motorcycle insurance all year long.

This is a common misconception and those who wish to learn more about the three most important reasons why motorcycle insurance should be an all year expense should take the time to read on…..

Many Policies Are Prorated

In other words, the motorcycle insurance policies that are purchased do not allow the recipient of the coverage to save money if they decide that they are going to cancel the policy once winter arrives. By the time a policyholder decides that they are going to cancel the policy, there is essentially no financial gain to be had. This is important to remember for the more frugal policyholders out there.

Additional Fees Are Required For Renewal 

Not only does the policyholder risk going without coverage when they decide to cancel a motorcycle insurance policy during the cold weather months but they are also incurring more fees. When a policy is dropped during the winter and re-added once summer arrives, the policyholder is going to have to grapple with the rewrite fee. These fees apply to anyone who was not previously insured, even if they canceled an existing policy. 

Storage Perils 

Chester, NJ motorcycle enthusiasts will want to make sure that their bike remains safe from all storage perils. The Insurance Outfit’s agents are able to provide all of the necessary assistance in this regard.

To find out more about the ins and outs of motorcycle insurance, those who reside in Chester, NJ and the surrounding areas should contact the experienced team at The Insurance Outfit to find out everything they need to know. 

What is Special Event Insurance?

Special events sprinkle our lives with wonderful memories. We often look back with nostalgia on these events, especially if we were not the one in charge of planning said event. The planning process of some of life’s most special events can feel anything but special. The word most often used is stressful. Pulling off a beautiful wedding or other big event has so many little and expensive details involved. Sometimes those details, or the entire event, does not go as planned, then what? Special event insurance was created for just these types of occasions.

What is Special Event Insurance?

Special event insurance is a short term insurance policy which can be purchased to cover special events in which you have invested money. This insurance policy will cover you in the event of unexpected circumstances such as lost deposits on services, or cancellation of the entire event. Even the most carefully and lovingly planned special event can come to a screeching halt. Although heartbreaking, at least with special event insurance it does not need to be bank account breaking. 

What Kind of Events Are Covered?

Most commonly special event insurance is used to cover weddings. Weddings are one of the most expensive types of special events planned. But in addition to weddings, it can also cover anniversary parties, baby showers, birthday parties, religious celebrations and other types of large scale events which you may want to be protected. 

Why Have Special Event Insurance?

If you are investing a large amount of money into anything, you want that investment protected. Many people invest a great deal of money into their special events each year, however, many of those events get canceled or certain aspects of the event do not happen to result in lost deposits. This type so insurance will reimburse you for your investment. 

If you would like to learn more about special event insurance please contact our friendly staff at The Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ. 

3 Reasons Why You Should Have Comprehensive Coverage On Your Boat

Comprehensive coverage is often identified as optional when you get an insurance policy on your boat. Unless your lien holder requires it, such as if you have a loan, it is up to you whether it gets added or not. Although it can increase your premium, there are a number of reasons to add it to your policy in Chester, NJ.

At The Insurance Outfit, we have helped many boat owners get the coverage they need so that it’s easier to file a claim if something happens.

Cover Cracked Windshields

You could be driving along when a rock hits your windshield. Next thing you know, there’s a huge divot in the glass or a large crack. Rather than paying to replace the windshield on your own, you can call your insurance company to file a claim.

Damage at the Dock

If someone damages your boat, whether it’s in the water or in a dry dock, you want to have the coverage in place to get it repaired. Unfortunately, your standard liability coverage would not protect you. With comprehensive coverage in place, you can file a claim with confidence knowing that you don’t have to pay for your boat to be repaired. The only thing you would be financially responsible for is the deductible.

Take Care of Weather Damage

A hail storm in New Jersey can happen at any time, especially during the winter months. Hail can leave dings in the frame of your boat. You may also experience damage on the water as a result of big waves. If this happens, you want to know that you can bring your boat into a body shop for the necessary repairs.

Ultimately, comprehensive coverage protects you against of the things that are out of your control. You never know what could happen on the water in Chester, NJ. As such, you want a policy that will protect you. Contact us at The Insurance Outfit today to let us help you build a policy and get a competitive quote.


How Umbrella Insurance Protects Your Upscale Lifestyle

You have worked hard to build a comfortable life in the Chester, NJ area. You saved and invested and even bought your dream car. At The Insurance Outfit, we would like to remind you that others might be jealous of your success.  Umbrella Insurance can even the playing field when there is an accident and you are found liable. Let’s find out how.

A Nice Car Makes You a Target

In a fender bender, if the driver at fault is driving a small car with a ding or two in the paint, the injured party is likely to take the insurance payout and move on.  They think there is nothing to be had from chasing down more cash. However, if it was a BMW or Cadillac involved, they are more likely to hire a lawyer in hopes of squeezing a few extra dollars out of the system. 

Umbrella Insurance Covers the Gap

While your home or auto insurance does cover liability up to a certain point, if the damage goes beyond the usual maximums, you could be left to pay for a lifetime of physical therapy or rehab for the injured party. That can cause you to lose your savings, the summer cottage, or the boat. If you have umbrella insurance, it could take care of the entire bill while you maintain everything you have built.

Minimize the Impact on Your Life and Move On

An umbrella insurance policy allows you to adequately take care of the injured party. Meanwhile, you can continue to focus on your business, taking care of the kids, and looking forward to a comfortable retirement. Ultimately, this is insurance that protects your peace of mind. After all, when you have more, there is much more available to lose.

If you think that umbrella insurance, a surprisingly affordable option, may be right for your Chester, NJ area lifestyle, give us a call at The Insurance Outfit today.




Medications Billed Under Medical

It is often been said that Americans live to work.  This is made evident by the amount of time we put on the clock and by looking at the things we neglect.  Life is busy in Chester, NJ so there may be things that go overlooked.  When an issue comes up, we circle back and look for answers.  When we get sick we will most likely be given a medication, but do you know who pays for that medication?  The Insurance Outfit wants you to be prepared for any situation so they advise you to be an informed consumer.

The Answer:  Pharmacy Provider

When you pick up a prescription from the pharmacy you normally pay a copay or if not some other predetermined amount.  In some cases, you are expected to pay the full price upfront and then submit receipts for reimbursement.  Most of the time your health insurance will contract with a pharmacy provider who will provide pharmacy benefits.  When you have a problem or an issue obtaining a medication they are the ones you call. In some cases, however, you might have to call the number for your health policy.

The exception to the Rule:  Your Health Policy

When the drug is a specialty drug or is not self-administered It may be covered under medical.  Most of the time these medications are injectable or intravenous and given via infusion in a doctor’s office or hospital by a nurse or doctor.  Examples of these types of medications include chemo, biologics for autoimmune diseases, and immunoglobulin products for immune deficiencies as well as blood and other drugs for patients in need. 

The Insurance Outfit knows that Chester, NJ is full of life and things never slow down so they are reachable via phone or email should you have any further questions.